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Installation Manuals

Storm Window Replacement Model Pet Door Installation


Storm Window Replacement Model Pet Door Installation

Please read these instructions carefully and completely before attempting to install Hale Pet Doors; they will guide you through the steps and precautions needed for a window installation. Illustrations have been added to help you understand various instructions.  To reach an experienced installer for free consultation, please call 1-888-293-6411.  Hale Pet Doors are designed for ease of installation and are ideal for most windows and doors with removable screens. It is important to note however, that the product warranty may be affected if returns have been modified in any way other than specified by these instructions.

Always wear eye protection and gloves when appropriate.

Tools you may need:

Caulking gun
Window cleaner
Tape measure (before ordering — not for simply installing)   

Step 1:  Before you order the storm window replacement model, remove the current screen or storm window panel from the  window or door  and measure the width and height of the existing frame.  See the picture at left for an example of the unit that would be built (bronze frame) to replace the original screen unit (white frame).  Use these measurements when ordering the door from Hale.  To order this model, you must call our National Sales Office at 800-646-4773.

Step 2:  Upon receipt of your storm window replacement model, unpack the unit carefully and check for any damage.  If you find any damage, please call HSPD Manufacturing, Inc. immediately at 800-636-4773.

Step 3:  To install the storm window replacement model, remove the existing screen panel or storm window panel from the door or window.  Replace the panel with the new storm window replacement model.

Step 4:  Make sure the new pet door unit is secure in the window or door.  Depending on the means used to hold the original panel in place, the pet door unit may need to be made more secure.  We generally recommend caulking around the exterior frame of the unit both for security and for weather proofing.

Step 5:   If you ordered a translucent gray Lexan® security cover for your pet door, peel the protective covering from the cover and set it aside for a couple of hours before installing it into the front frame. A drying period will prevent the inner flap from sticking to the newly uncovered Lexan®.  If you ordered any color of the King Starboard® security cover, there will be no protective covering over it but you still may wish to let your door set without the security cover in place for a few hours to avoid any sticking.   The cover will slide easily into place in the built in frame.  The storm window replacement model does not usually come with a pin bolt lock as it would interfere with the operation of the sliding window.  However, if the unit you are installing does contain the lock, the security cover can be easily locked and unlocked with the positive action pin bolt lock.  Depending on the window model ordered, there may be a “removal slot” cut into the edge of the security cover to enable the cover to be removed.  In that case, slide the cover along the track until you can tip the cover out of the track.

Step 6:  Clean the window and the flap of the pet door. Clean up the area and you are finished.

Sliding window with original
screen panel in place.













Sliding window with new Hale
Pet Door™ Storm Window
Replacement Model Installed

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